Womenz Magazine

Get To know the Home spa trick for beautiful Skin…!


home_spaThe home spa is in use too much. Women know the significance of home spa in their lives since home spa not only gives them new birth but also glorifies their skin beauty. The home spa can be done very cost effectively if you follow the following home spa trick. These home spa trick will make your home spa more effective. Here are they:

  • Rose Water-the first home spa trick is to smell rose water. It has soothing effect on mind and breathing organs. To get rose water at home boil petals of rose with 2 cups of water. Boil it till one cup remains now squeeze the petals out of it and have your own rose water at home. That’s the beauty of cost effective Home spa trick.
  • The blender home spa trick-when you see that your skin is getting dry. Go to kitchen. Take a little cold cream, strawberries, aloe Vera and yogurt and put them in blender. Blend them really well and apply it on your skin .let the mask be dry for 15 minutes. Wow your skin will glow and have a youth full effect after adopting this home spa trick.
  • Warm up your lotion-before having the spa bath its necessary that you should place your body lotion on the heater. After getting bath apply the heated more liquid body lotion over your body. It will be absorb soon and well. Adopt this home spa trick to have lovely soft skin.
  • The coconut oil treatment-the home spa trick also emphasize on use of coconut oil. Apply it before the bath and cover you hair with plastic cap. The home spa trick tells us that coconut oil gives shine and strength to hair even it re grows it.
  • Lemon Home spa Trick-the lemon is famous for its acid. Yes home spa trick brought out the acid effect of it. Cut some fresh lemon slices and rub it on rough elbows. It will remove the scrub and also removes any dark areas.

The above home spa trick are very useful. They are easy to apply and very result oriented. If you are women fond of good, healthy and spot less skin then these home spa trick will help you solve your problems. Have a very happy home spa experience.

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