Womenz Magazine

How To Stop Hair From Graying?

Shiny, beautiful hair are a blessing for those who have them. Who does not want to have beautiful and healthy hair? Your hair being your most prized possession need ample of care.

If you have been spotting gray hair, then it’s time you should act. Gray strands are a matter of concern for the youth, as premature gray strands become a matter of embarrassment for them.

There can be many reasons behind the premature graying of hair like chronic cold, hormonal imbalance, illness, infection, chronic constipation, anemia, besides heavy exposure to sun and pollution.

Let’s have a look at few ways or remedies to prevent premature graying of hair strands.

1. Stick to one shampoo

One of the basic steps is to stick to one shampoo that suits your hair. You should not keep changing your shampoo.

2. Use Indian gooseberries

Indian gooseberries are one of the best ways to prevent premature graying of hair and preventing hair loss. You can use it in different ways. For instance:

1. You can cut the gooseberry into small pieces and soak it in the sun for 1-2 days. Then boil these pieces in coconut oil. Massage this oil on your scalp a night before washing your hair.

2. You can also boil these pieces in water and by rinsing your hair with this water, you can prevent those embarrassing gray strands.

3. Gooseberry juice can also be mixed in almond oil and applied to your hair.

3. Apply oil regularly

Apply oil at least twice or thrice a week. This strengthens your hair and is a great way to keep them healthy and in turn healthy hair are a promise against premature graying.

4. Don’t consume coffee and oily food

Do not consume coffee, alcohol, oily and fatty food as it proves dangerous for your hair. Such food items are bad for the moisture content of your hair.

5. Have curry leaves

Curry leaves are another healthy and natural way for preventing gray hair. Curry leaves should be consumed in your daily diet. Similar to gooseberry, they can also be soaked and boiled in coconut oil to massage on scalp.

Healthy, long and shiny hair are a product of a healthy body and a healthy mind. To keep your hair great and attractive, you should eat healthy and nutritious food and avoid unhealthy food.

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