Womenz Magazine

How do you Get Healthy Hair?

A bunch of expensive product ingredients is not at all the key to getting healthy humpy hair, rather some simple homemade remedies work best for hair care including applying a mixture eggs, yogurt and coconut or mustard oil once a week and keeping it for 2-3 hours before washing.

Trimming your hair at least every two months or so is another requirement for hair care. This will not only remove split ends that hinder a healthy hair growth nut also provide a fresh look.

Rapunzel didn’t have the blonde silky rope-like hair just by sitting in the tower; rather she focused on taking healthy food including salmon, walnuts, almonds, fruits and dark green veggies, protein along with multivitamins. Being careful about your diet will also prevent hair fall.

A proper hair care is essential not only for the nights out but also, especially, for the day. In fact, it is of greater importance to protect your hair from the sun than any other time of the day. The scorching heat sucks up all moisture and leaves them as dead and dry as ever. An easy resolution is to cover your head when stepping out of the house with a hat, scarf or even an umbrella. Or, you can even apply sun screen having Sun Protective Factor (SPF) to give a little dampness and shelter to the scalp.

Brushing hair in a proper manner is another medicine for hair care. There is a specific manner that you should use. Immediately after bath, bend down and brush your hair in the opposite direction starting from the neck to forehead. This helps rejuvenate the roots and improve blood circulation to enhance their health.

Another area where mostly people mess up with their hair is while washing them. One mistake that is by and large a sheer opposition to your hair care is using hot water. The heat damages the skin taking away all the nutrients and even weakening of the roots. Too cold water is another extreme that has its flaws and disrupts the hair care. The grease is said to be locked in and the dirt is left un-removed. So, it is best to use lukewarm water for rinsing hair.

Moreover, repeatedly washing hair is a step to baldness. You can easily tell when it is time to wash your hair i.e. when they start getting oily and greasy. But some people go conscious for hair care and have higher frequency of taking shower. This weakens their roots and they also lose the highly nutritious excretes. Thus, you need to normalize your routine and take a bath as and when required.

So, the answer to ‘how do you get healthy hair’ is not an issue any more. Take care of the above few hair care remedies and your hair will be ready for the show.

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