Womenz Magazine

10 Earth Month Beauty DIY Recipes

Beauty DIY Recipes

Beauty RecipesThis Earth Month, we’re taking this whole going green manifesto pretty seriously. We’ve gathered 10 Beauty Recipes that harness the skin-saving characteristics of our favorite foods. But in addition to being great for your complexion and the environment, these at-home mixers are also green . . . really green.

Green TeaSteep Cup Green Tea

Green tea is packed with two beauty essentials: antioxidants and caffeine. Steep a cup of green tea and store in the fridge to make a daily spritz that will render pores invisible.


Cucumber Eye MaskGot under-eye bags after a long night out? The old cool cucumber eye mask trick really does work. This green vegetable contains antioxidants and flavinoids that decrease irritation naturally. Just slice one up, lay back, and let the cucumber work its magic. Extra slivers can be used to flavor water for a spa-like treat.

Olive Oil

Olive OilThe real question we should be asking is what beauty job can’t olive oil handle (or it’s cousin coconut oil, for that matter). Chef Giada De Laurentiis revealed she uses this condiment as a quick moisturizing cuticle fix when she’s cooking.


KiwiWhip up a tropical exfoliating mask with kiwi to get a brighter complexion in minutes. Puree the fruit into a pulp, then mix with yogurt and coconut oil to create an exfoliating treatment. The kiwi contains alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which slough away dull skin.

Green Apple

Green AppleApple cider vinegar is an essential in the kitchen and the bathroom cupboard. A concoction of one-fourth ACV and three-fourths water will add shine to hair by removing any residual product buildup. Pour the mixture over your hair after shampooing, massage it into your scalp, and then rinse it out. You can also leave the vinegar in under your regular conditioning treatment for an added boost.


LimeThis favorite cocktail garnish can also be a wonderful kicker to your beauty routine. Mix together a body scrub of coarse sugar, olive oil, and lime pulp for a DIY that mixes chemical and physical exfoliants.

Honeydew Melon

Honeydew MelonIf you love cloth face masks, then you’ll flip for this quick recipe. Melon is naturally packed with antioxidants like vitamin C. To get the full skin benefits, slice honeydew very thin and apply to your face for a 20-minute at-home spa treatment.


MintThe next time a pimple pops up, crush up a few peppermints and mix with rose water to create a paste. Apply it to the affected area for 10 minutes and rinse it out. The menthol naturally contained in this herb helps reduce inflammation and redness.


AvocadoMake a mask using half an avocado, one egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, and a tablespoon of olive oil to strengthen weak hair. Leave on for five to 30 minutes under a shower cap. The omega-3 fatty acids in avocado are just as good for your strands as they are for you health.

Green GrapesGreen GrapesOne of our favorite skin care brands Caudalie harnesses the power of the grape and resveratrol for it’s antiaging power. If you’d rather DIY a grape beauty recipe, you can create a treatment by mixing honey, grapes, and yogurt. Plus, the acidity helps combat oily skin.

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