Womenz Magazine

Top 10 Secrets of Happily Married Couples

Happy married life doesn’t necessarily come out that you love each other. While love is very important in marriages sometimes it isn’t enough for happy married life and you have to work at your marriage just like work to build your career.

Top 10 secrets of happy “Married Life”

1. Open communication is a key

Open communication and care of each other’s feelings are two great secrets of happy marriage. It is essential to understand that a marriage is a multi dimensional relationship that needs to bloom in all of its capacities in order to be flourishing.

2. Sacrifices matters lot

Scarify for each other is a secret to a happy marriage. Both partners in the marriage must be keeping in mind they should put their partner’s happiness forward for the marriage to truly work.  Self centeredness and unwillingness to make sacrifices may create bitterness in your marriage.

3. Intimacy

Happily married couples are always found in habit to maintain an intimate and affectionate relationship with their spouse.  Physical closeness will keep your marriage happy, keep small gestures such as hugs or holding hands can give you the chance to recollect the affection in your long married life.

4. Financial problems

Financial problems cause stress in your marital life, it is important for you to do your best to deal wisely with financial problems. Don’t let the financial issues to steal intimacy and love from your married life.

5. Share household responsibilities

A secret of a happy married life is, both partners need to take an active role in completing household chores and let their partner know they care a lot for them. Husbands can help their wives in kitchen it will defiantly increase intimacy in your relation.

6. Honesty is a soul of your Marriage

A Key secret of happy married life is being honest with your spouse. Share your problems, concern, passions and interests with your partner. Don’t mess up your relation with misunderstandings put your efforts what your partner try to explain in his/her defense. Don’t cheat and avoid your spouse.

7. Respect each other’s opinion

Keep in mind that you and your partner won’t necessarily be in complete conformity in all matters, it would be a great problem if you expect this from your spouse. It’s quiet normal to disagree with your spouse and face disagreement from your spouse, respect each other’s feelings and beliefs and don’t think that disagreement will be the end of your marital life.

8. Be Natural and Spontaneous

Another secret of happy married life is, allow yourself to deviate from predictable patterns which can lead toward boredom, being spontaneous at times will prevent boredom and keep your relationship interesting and fresh.

9. Fulfill the Needs

A secret of happy married life is to focus on your spouse’s emotional, sexual and domestic needs. If you pay attention on your spouse’s needs it will create great harmony between you.

10. Respect each other

Love is important but the respect is more crucial for a healthy relationship. If you want to keep your married life thriving, give respect to each other in front of people and in your bedroom also.

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