Womenz Magazine

Woman Walks 20 Miles To Work Until One Day Cop Follows Her And Sees Why

Isn’t it just another day, another dollar, another day meant another 20 miles of walking for this woman in order to get her dollar. While many people in the United States go to work by car, bus, or train, this woman walks walk 10 miles to work and then the same 10 miles home. That’s a distance of 20 miles total per day, every single day.

Walking 10 km first thing in the morning may seem difficult, but you’ll be fresh after hopefully a good night’s sleep. But after a long day at work, 10 miles one day in August 2018 in Nashville, just like any other for J.

Lisa Corbat, needed to get to work on time because it was a routine working day. However, one person appeared out of nowhere and turned an ordinary day into one of the happiest days of her life. Looking for a heartwarming tale, a gentle nudge to remember that there are nice people in the world. The video to watch is this one. These are the kinds of stories that renew our confidence and humanity, at least for people like me, who tend to get distracted by all the negativity we see here every day.

Jay Lassia was going down the sidewalk, minding her own business, when she observed a car approaching her slowly. Via her peripheral vision, she pretended not to notice and continued walking, her gaze fixated at the scenery in front of her. But this car persisted and it appeared as if the driver had his or her gaze fixed on her. The car was getting dangerously near the curb. Jay Lassie, on the other hand, is silently praying that nothing funny happens to her.

She only hoped her darkest worries didn’t come true, right there on her long and arduous commute to work. And it was at that point that she took a quick look at the blue and red lights. Janelacia realized at that point that the automobile pursuing her was a cop car, and that didn’t make her feel any better. Not today, she told herself as she continued to pray that everything would be fine. The cop, on the other hand, Honda’s Horn.

Sergeant Scott Bass was the officer in the automobile. Bass was driving his cruiser to the Nash County Sheriff’s Office to report for duty. On that particular day. Sergeant Bass, by the way, was also on his way to work. As he approached the Stonegate Mobile home community, he noticed a familiar person.

Sergeant Bass had been hoping to see this woman for days. Why? He felt he owed her something and he didn’t know what it was. Bass wasn’t going to lose his chance now that he’d found the woman he was seeking for. J.

Leslie Corbett, as you may have guessed, is the woman in question. She was on her way to work at Bojangles, a prominent fast-food restaurant when Bass noticed her. As I previously stated, the Trek was long, but she found it pleasant because she’d grown accustomed to it. That particular day, though, was extremely terrible. Her typical regimen was made much more difficult by the occasional bursts of rain.

She’d brought her umbrella from home, but as she tried to open it, the powerful winds ripped it from her grim. Despite this, she continued her route to work. Janelasia was far from her workplace and drenched in the rain. Nonetheless, like the warrior she is, she remained vigilant and attempted to avoid the accumulating puddles on the pavement. It had already been a hardship to get to work that day, so having an altercation with a cop was the last thing on her mind, let alone the last thing she wanted.

Walking to work on a sunny day was difficult enough for Jalessia. However, with all the wind and rain, she felt like she was in the midst of a category five Hurricane, but she felt she could manage it and get to Bojangles safely, but not as a cop was following her. Jessica did everything she could to make her daily walk to work as comfortable as possible, at least within her means.

She, for example, purchased a pair of comfortable sneakers for herself, but she knew her shoes wouldn’t be enough to keep her dry in the storm. Her feet were dripping wet, and she could already feel blisters growing on her heels and toes as a result of her wet socks.

She walks to and from Bojangles every day, so this wasn’t her first time walking for this long, but her painful feet begged for compassion. The travel is 12 miles round trip. This woman’s daily hardship ensured she’d be able to provide for her family, which may sound insane. J Lecia was convinced that no one, not even a cop, would be able to stop her from going to work and providing for her family. She was willing to go to any length for her children, and the thought of not letting them down was what kept her going.

But when the cop arrived and stopped her, she had to reconsider her position. Every day she walked on that highway, risking her life over and over. What am I doing wrong? She wondered aloud. Perhaps she was becoming a nuisance to drivers.

What could be the reason for her being detained right now, and why today of all days? Jane last year realized she couldn’t continue to pretend to ignore the cop car. Since it wasn’t working, the vehicle continued to hog at her. She finally decided to stop in her tracks and wait for the cop to approach her rather than fretting about what she was doing wrong. She was practically holding her breath.

The driver lowered the window as he approached her, and she could practically hear her heart hammering inside her. A cop was usually a source of difficulty for Gilesia. She was terrified of what he would say to her, or worse, what he would do to her. She had no choice but to turn and face him despite the fact that she’d now be late. At this time, there was no other choice.

According to Sergeant Bass, this woman’s determination to get to work every day in order to support her family astounded him. While many women today do more than their fair share of jobs, Jay Lassie stood out to this cop. She went above and beyond the call of duty because it was pouring and understood it wasn’t his job as a police officer to offer the woman a ride.

You must give free rides to pedestrians was nowhere in his job duties, however, he’d been seeing this woman on a daily basis for some time and couldn’t get the image of her daily struggle out of his head. Sergeant Bass believed he could do more for this dedicated mother on his own.

What, on the other hand, could he possibly provide her? Sergeant Bass saw this as a chance to assist the woman. It was raining outside, she needed to get to work and he had a car, so why not? He approached her and offered her a lift of Bojangles. She was hesitant, but she believed it was a wonderful idea that would benefit her.

Sergeant Bass was just trying to be helpful by offering her a ride to work, but Jelacia couldn’t help but be nervous when the cop requested her to meet up with him before dropping her off. She had no understanding of why he was so eager to see her. She did, however, agree. After work, Jalessia was invited to come to the Sheriff’s office. Despite the fact that she had no idea what was going on, she felt convinced that the man was not trying to harm her.

Sergeant Bass recognized her when she arrived at the station and quickly went to his car. He reached inside and pulled something large out. He had a new Schwinn Fairhaven women’s cruiser bicycle. When he got out of the car, Batt informed her that it was a present for her before she could react. I’m sure you can imagine how surprised she was.

A cop offering a gift to a civilian and a bicycle, of all things. She couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t figure out what was going on. She goes to work one day and then receives a bicycle as a gift from a police officer the next. She was constantly worried that she might end up in jail, but when this incredibly polite cop handed her the gift, she felt embarrassed for having predicted the worst.

Adult generosity was so rare for Celestia that she might compare it to discovering a four-leaf Clover. Jessica was speechless. As she stood there staring at the man’s new bike, she realized her life was about to alter in an instant. The cop’s modest act of kindness reinforced her faith in humanity and changed her perspective on strangers. Jay Leslie, in Sergeant Bass’s opinion, is one of the most amazing people he’s ever encountered.

She didn’t mind developing blisters on her feet from walking 12 miles every day for the sake of her children. On top of that, she had to spend the entire day on her feet. Even individuals who can afford their own cars or pay for public transportation today prefer to ride their bikes for a healthier lifestyle. The bike would make all the difference in Gillespie’s life. Her legs and feet would no longer have to perform all the effort.

Her daily commute would be much easier if she had a bike. Although it was uncomfortable for Gillespie to accept anything like this from a stranger, Sergeant Bass made sure she didn’t get the impression that he was doing it for the purpose of charity. He made her feel as if she deserved the present. Hearing him speak warmed Gillespie’s heart, knowing that someone she didn’t even know appreciated her hard work. Other cops from the Nash County Sheriff’s Office who were there at the time filmed the encounter between Sergeant Bass and Gilesia.

CBS 17 uploaded the footage to YouTube. The video quickly went viral and it was just a matter of hours. After only a few hours on the internet, the video of Bass giving Gillespie her new bike had over 6000 views. The community was clearly awestruck by this truly lovely and life-changing moment, as evident by all the comments and likes. The Nash County Sheriff’s Office was likewise pleased with the generosity of one of its members.

The station’s men and women were blown away by Gillespie’s narrative a woman they’d never met or heard about before that day. They agreed that Sergeant Bass had given her exactly what she deserved. The other cops submitted a written comment to the viral video recognizing Sergeant Bass’s proclivity for assisting those in need.

There’s no disputing that as a result of all the bad situations involving individuals and cops, many people have lost their faith in the police Department. But like with any other profession, there will be a few bad apples among the group.

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