Womenz Magazine

[VIDEO] Psaki Implies The White House Supports Pelosi’s Decision To Possibly Overturn Iowa House Seat

Democrats know they will catch hell if they overturn an election and steal a House seat from Republicans in Iowa.

Late last week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this issue and the White House’s position concerning Republicans challenging Nancy Pelosi’s decision to pursue an investigation into a Republican candidate defeating a Democrat candidate by six or seven votes. Rep. Rita Hart allegedly begged Pelosi to investigate instead of going through state channels.

As you will see in the video below, it seems that the White House confirmed they are just fine with it. How’s that for a double standard?

[The Federalist] White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday the Biden administration stands by House Democrats’ effort to overturn the results of an Iowa House race. After multiple recounts, the race has already been certified by bipartisan state election officials.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave her blessing to the House Administration Committee taking up failed candidate Rita Hart’s plea to overturn the results of Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race captured by freshman Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks by six votes.

“Four Republican senators in a letter to corporations are calling the battle for Democrats to take back the seat, an ‘unacceptable attempt to undermine a legitimate Democratic process,’” a reporter pressed during a White House press briefing. “Does the president agree with their assessment?”

“I believe that the process that is outlined by the House of Representatives is what’s being followed here to ensure every vote is counted, so no, he wouldn’t agree with that,” Psaki said.

Psaki is so foul and corrupt she doesn’t even realize when she admits how vile the White House is and how low they will stoop for power, control, and winning.

However, the payback can come swiftly — remember, “Belshazzar holds a great feast and drinks from the vessels that had been looted in the destruction of the First Temple. A hand appears and writes on the wall”. — by morning, he was history.

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