Womenz Magazine

Woman Found A Tiny Pink Blob, Brought Him Home & Tried To Keep Him Alive

When Jessica picked her son up from the bus stop, she saw this tiny pink blob lying on the ground. She didn’t know where the tiny animal came from but assumed he had fallen from a nest out of a nearby tree. The tiny pink blob was unrecognizable. At first, Jessica didn’t even know what he was. But she still brought him home.

Jessica’s husband thought she was a little nuts at first but as animal lovers, we can totally relate to Jessica. She wanted to try to save the little guy’s life. She held his tiny pink body in the palm of her hand and did her best to keep him warm. She sent her husband out to get food and syringes once she looked up photos on the internet. The tiny baby was definitely a squirrel.

Surviving his first night was paramount. The baby squirrel needed to be fed around the clock and kept under warming lights. Jessica did what she had to. When the next morning came, the little baby earned his name… Steve. Steve was certainly a little fighter.

Jessica happily brought Steve with her wherever she went. She had to in order to feed him. He had his own special box that she carried him in. He went to work with her, to run errands, and even to friends’ houses. Within a few weeks, Steve even started looking like a squirrel.

Steve’s personality began to shine. He was a feisty, playful little guy who loved to run, chew, and wrestle. Jessica made sure he had everything he needed but of course, like all kids, Steve got into trouble now and again. He had a thing for chewing on books.

The family had a large tree in the yard and when Steve was old enough, Jessica and her husband built a little house for him. They wanted him to get used to being outside and around trees. It worked like a charm! Jessica knew that Steve deserved a full life. And soon, Steve was big enough to leave home.

One day Jessica came back from work and Steve wasn’t in the yard anymore. She was totally broken-hearted. She searched for Steve and called out his name. She wanted him to live his life but she also wanted him to have a life with her. It was a tough thing to go through.

Thankfully there was a middle ground that Steve was able to find. And what happens next is so damn adorable. Let’s just say, Steve is quite the ladies’ man! We are so happy that Steve was rescued by such a caring woman. Thank you to Jessica and her wonderful family for taking care of Steve.

Check out the full story and what happens next in the video below!

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