Womenz Magazine

Dog burned in horror kennel fire set for ‘breakthrough’ world-first healing Treatment

Sadie, a two-year-old terrier mix, had to be pulled out of a raging fire in her kennel after a heat lamp set the hay around her ablaze – leaving her with burns to 70% of her body

A dog whose kennel burst into flames with her locked inside is set to make history with a “breakthrough” treatment.

Sadie had to be rescued from her blazing kennel when hay was set alight by a heat lamp, designed to keep the animal warm during the bitterly cold winter.

The two-year-old terrier mix, from New Orleans in the US, suffered horrendous burn injuries to 70% of her body during the fire, WWL reported.

Sadie is currently under the emergency care of veterinary surgeon Dr Dena Lodato, who has been delivering oxygen and pain medication.

But ambitious burn doctors from University Medical Center New Orleans plan to make Sadie the first dog in the world to undergo a new treatment called AVITA Medical RECELL.

The pioneering RECELL treatment involves doctors creating a spray out of a sample of skin which helps regenerate the outer layer.

According to AVITA, it can be prepared and used in a half-hour.

Dr Nicole Kopari, a surgeon at UMCNO, told WWL: “I just really want people to know that we are here for them.

“We’re here for the community, and our care for these patients extends much beyond just the hospital, even to their pets.”

AVITA donated the RECELL kit for Sadie’s treatment which would make her the first ever canine patient to receive the skin regenerating treatment.

Speaking to WWL, Executive Director of the Humane Society of Louisiana, Jeff Dorson, explained that “this is a breakthrough moment” for both pets and the people who care about them.

Gregor Angus, 39, was walking with his son Lucas, aged four, along the Union Canal in Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland, on January 31.

They recognised dog-walker Brian Watson, 81, who was out for a walk with his black Labrador, named Hugo, just before 5pm.

As they circled back on themselves, Gregor noticed the black lab was sitting by himself by the side of the water near Friars Brae Bridge.

When he looked closer, senior business development manager Gregor was shocked to see the pensioner lying face-down in water and appearing to be lifeless.

Lucas held onto the dog’s lead while his dad tried to drag the pensioner to safety.

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