Womenz Magazine

How to Build Garden for Kids

how to build garden for kids

How to Build Garden for KidsBuilding garden for kids is truly a fun activity but once you build it, it brings lot more for your kids. Despite playing and rejoicing, kids’ garden is the place to teach and educate kids. Something learnt while playing leaves eternal impression on kids’ minds. So, do it yourself to build garden for your kids.

Follow the simple tips to build garden for kids:

Things or material required:

  • Kids gardening books from library
  • Newspapers
  • Premixed bag of cement and molds for stepping stones
  • Compost
  • Trowels, shovels, spades
  • Soil test kit
  • Seeds, young plants, bulbs
  • Rototiller

How to begin building garden for kids:

  • First have a trip to library and get an idea of kids’ favorite books.
  • Children like butterflies, Halloween pumpkins and scare crow. So, plan them efficiently.
  • Involve your kids in garden building for them. Get their ideas and collect pictures of their ideas as well out of some gardening magazines.

Now, follow the one by steps to build the garden for kids.

1- Designing of Kids Garden

Design kids garden in any of their favorite shape such as circle, square or rectangle. Then determine the part to be designated for flowers, play area and some swings.

2- Choosing Plants for Kids Garden

After designing garden area for kids, decide the type of plants. Choose different categories such as Butterfly garden, Salad garden, Herb garden, Pumpkin patch, Bouquet garden, Color garden or Zen rock garden and allocate little parts for them.

3- Patch Preparation

Now prepare patches in garden. Remove all unnecessary grass and weeds and cover the garden with newspaper. Also till the soil using rototiller. Work with green and brown compost. Also determine the ph level of soil. You can also give it to kids to test in their school laboratory.

4- Planting

Now start planting in your kids’ garden. Involve small children in gardening as well. Give them some quick sprouting plants that may make them happy.

5- Extracurricular Activities

  • Make a scare crow using broomsticks and old clothes.
  • Add some special features like stones and water fountains in your garden.
  • Leave hand prints of children on garden wall or you may get hand impressions on cement and then decorate them.
  • Add as much nature in your children garden as you can because it will provide great learning opportunities to your kids.

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