Womenz Magazine

How to Make DIY Missoni Shoes

Designing Your Shoes

Looking for some fabulous kicks to liven up an outfit? Like Target’s Missoni sneaker design but would rather make them yourself?

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All you’ll need is a pair of clean white sneakers and permanent markers to make a pair of shoes you’ll be proud to call your own.

Your Design


Method 1 of 3: Creating Your Design

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1. Draw a straight line toward the edge of the folder using your ruler and pencil.
line toward the edge of the folder
2. Draw another straight line approximately ½ inch/1.2 centimeter (0.1 in) down from the first line you drew. Make some tick marks every half inch interval on both lines.
Draw another straight
3. Create a zigzag pattern with the ruler by joining opposing tick marks between the parallel lines. Start in the left hand corner and work your way toward the right.
Create a zigzag pattern
4. Cut along zigzag lines. The design will resemble a set of “monster” teeth because it will be zigzagged across the folder.
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Method 2 of 3: Designing Your Shoes

Your Shoes

1. Remove the shoe laces from the shoes.
Remove the shoe
2. Lay the monster teeth manila folder along the toe area of the shoes. Trace the design with your pencil. Trace lightly as you will be going over the design with fabric marker.
Lay the monster teeth
3. Move the folder farther up the shoe (perhaps less than ½ inch/1.2cm). Trace more zigzags on the shoes.
Move the folder farther
4. Continue moving the template over the shoes and tracing the zigzag pattern.Create even rows, or you can go for a less symmetrical design. With this type of design, you really can’t go wrong with any pattern.

Method 3 of 3: Coloring the Design

Color in the design with fabric markers

1. Color in the design with fabric markers. Trace over the pencil mark first with a chosen color and then fill the area. Use the smaller tipped marker to trace over the pencil line and then fill with the fatter marker.

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  • Some markers may bleed a bit so you may want to give each row a little dry time in between coloring.
Color in the design
2. Finished. You now have Missoni shoes!
  • Be sure you cover the entire shoe with color–leave no white marks.
  • Add polish and give your shoes a more professional look by taking the design into the top insides of the sneakers.
  • Don’t forget to add the design and color the shoe tongue.

Things You’ll Need

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1 pair of white canvas sneakers

Designing Your Shoes

1 ruler

A manila folder

Missoni Shoes

A pencil and a pair of sharp sewing scissors


Fabric or permanent markers in vibrant colors–-for best results, choose both thick and thin tips (so you can fill large spaces and cut into sharp edges).

vibrant colors

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