Womenz Magazine

The 30-Day Burpee Challenge That Will Totally Kick Your Butt

Ah, the burpee. It’s one of the most dreaded exercise moves across the board, and yet every workout seems to incorporate a version of it (hello, even yoga’s sunrise salutation bears a striking resemblance). Why? Because it no joke works. Do it right, and you’ll strengthen your shoulders, your arms, your core, your glutes—basically, your whole body—in just one move. To help you nail your technique, we tapped Jen Widerstrom, a trainer on The Biggest Loser to demo a basic, foundational burpee. Then, we asked her to take things to the next level with seven burpee variations—one of which you’ll do each day of the week. The only catch: Each week of this challenge, you’ll have to bump up your reps by 10.

Ready? It’s time to earn your burpee bragging rights.

Nail the Basic Burpee

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, weight in heels, and arms at sides. Push hips back, bend knees, and lower into a squat to place hands directly in front of, and just inside, the feet. 
B. Shift weight onto hands and jump feet back to softly land on balls of the feet in a plank position, worming chest down to ground. 
C. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands.
D. Reach arms overhead and explosively jump up into the air. 
E. Land and immediately lower back into a squat. That’s one rep. 

Modification: Instead of jumping feet back, step back into plank position one foot at a time and step forward the same way, still positioning the feet outside of the hands.  

Mondays: Burpee Kick-Outs

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then squat down and place hands on the ground and jump feet back into a high plank.
B. Lift left leg and cross it under the body, lifting the right arm and bending it to tap the right shoulder. Keep leg hovering at least an inch off the ground. Extend the left leg back and place toes on the ground. Repeat on the other side. 
C. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands.
D. Standing up, reach arms overhead and explosively jump up into the air. That’s one rep.

Modification: Tap/place your hip on the ground for just a moment as you kick your leg out. 

Tuesdays: One-Legged Burpees

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift up your right foot off the ground. Jump down into a one-legged plank, shoulders directly over hands, glutes squeezed, abs engaged, and worm chest down to ground. 
B. Pressing palms into the ground and still using only one leg, jump left foot up toward hands.
C. Standing up, reach arms overhead and explosively jump up into the air. That’s one rep.

Modification: Place your hands on an incline bench or something couch-height and complete the movement. 

Wednesdays: Burpee Broad Jumps

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place hands on the ground, jumping legs back and worming chest down to ground. 
B. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands.
C. Sit back into a squat, swing the arms back, then explosively jump forward, using your arms for momentum, as far as you can. That’s one rep.

Modification: It’s all about being comfortable with the distance you’re jumping. A 3-inch hop is still OK!

Thursdays: Burpee Roll-Backs

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place hands on the ground, jumping legs back and worming chest down to ground. 
B. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands. Standing up, reach arms overhead and explosively jump up into the air. 
C. Sit back into a squat and lower all the way down until butt touches the ground. Continue to roll back onto shoulders, then use the momentum to rock back up to standing in one fluid motion. Finish with another hop. That’s one rep.

Modification: Place your hands on the shins or even the back of the thighs. This allows a little bit more connection to your lower half and the ability to gain a little more momentum. Don’t feel the need to roll all the way back in the beginning if it’s too much. Have a mat or pillow behind you so you can feel it on your back and know your stopping point.

Fridays: Lateral Jump Burpees

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place hands on the ground, jumping legs back and worming chest down to ground. 
B. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands.
C. Sit back into a squat, swing the arms back, then explosively jump to the left. Immediately perform another burpee then jump to the right. That’s one rep. 

Modification: Same as the Broad Jump Burpee; 3-inch hops can turn into 6-inch hops, which can turn in 3-foot jumps in time.

Saturdays: Burpee Mountain Climbers

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then squat down and place hands on the ground and jump feet back into a high plank.
B. Bring right knee to right elbow then left knee to left elbow. 
C. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands.
D. Standing up, reach arms overhead and explosively jump up into the air. That’s one rep.

Modification: Use an incline bench or something couch-height to take a little bit of the weight off your hands without disengaging your core.

Sundays: Spider Push-up Burpees

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then squat down and place hands on the ground and jump feet back into a high plank.
B. Lift right leg and reach right knee to right elbow as you perform a push-up. Extend the right leg back and place toes on the ground. Repeat on the other side.
C. Pressing off hands, lift chest and jump feet back up so they land just outside of hands.
D. Standing up, reach arms overhead and explosively jump up into the air. That’s one rep.

Modification: As the right knee comes to the right elbow, place the left knee on the ground and then complete the push-up. Pull it the off the ground and return the right leg back to the starting position.

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