Womenz Magazine

5 Best Exercises to Get Strong, Toned Arms

Strong Toned Arms

How is getting a stronger, sleeker upper body like math? It’s something otherwise smart women think they just can’t accomplish. Or they use the excuse of getting too “bulked up.” The moves here definitely won’t turn you into the Incredible Hulk, but they will get your arms longer, leaner, and ready to bare when the weather warms up.[contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]Toned Arms

Best of all, most can be done at home using your own body weight—no need to invest in pricey gadgets or gear! Trainer tip: To boost your calorie burn and see results faster, march or jump in place for 2 minutes after completing each move.

Read More: Exercises for a Flat Belly

Roll-the-Ball with Uneven Push-UpBall with Push Up

Best for: Those who need an upper-body-strength challenge. (Tip: you can use a soccer ball, stack of books, or a medicine ball to create the uneven surface.) How to do it: Get in to plank and put right hand on the ball, left hand on the floor. Squeeze your abs and shoulders as you lower towards the floor, keeping elbows in. Push back up and pass the ball to the other side. Do at least 5 on each side.[contentblock id=2 img=adsense.png]

Pilates BoxingPilates Boxing

How to do it: Standing with feet a hips-width apart, bend your knees and hinge forward from your waist, maintaining a neutral spine. Raise fists to your shoulders and, keeping elbows up, box your right hand forward, clenching your abs. Bring hands to center and switch. Box on each side 20 times.

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Clean and Press WindmillClean and Press Windmill

How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a free weight between them. Push hips back to lower into squat and grab weight with left hand. Push through feet and rise to standing, lifting weight toward left shoulder and up overhead. Bend at waist to right, allowing right foot to turn out; right hand is on inside of right leg. Continue to bend sideways, sliding right hand down to foot, keeping left hand overhead. Reverse movement to return to squat. Switch sides and repeat.[contentblock id=3 img=adsense.png]

Hip Heist Push-UpHip Heist Push Up

How to do it: Get into “up” part of a push-up; lower chest and bend elbows to 90 degrees. Lift right hand and left foot, rotating upper body to the right while bringing left knee across body toward right armpit. Pivot on right foot and continue rotating torso until you’re face up. Lift hips until torso is in tabletop position. Lift left hand and right foot, rotating upper body to right, pivoting on left foot until you are back in the “up” part of a push-up.

Read More: Get Sexy Abs by Effective Abs Exercises

Biceps and Arm CirclesBiceps and Arm Circles Exercises

How to do it: Stand with legs slightly wider than hip-width, a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent and palms up. Keeping spine straight, squat and circle left hand up and in toward your shoulder in a circular motion (as if beckoning someone toward you); reverse to lower hand. Do 16 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Source: Health

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