Womenz Magazine

Valuable Nutrition Tips for Women


valuable-nutrition-tips-for-womenTaking a healthy and nutritious diet is necessary for every woman. Whether you are taking vegetarian diet or a nutritious diet based on carbohydrates/proteins, remember that nutrition can easily cure your diseases. Follow these nutrition tips for healthy living.

For women, this nutrition tip suggests that women go through monthly cycles, and pre-menopausal stages regularly which mean that they need iron in a good quantity. Iron deficiency is very common among women, so it is recommended that their iron intake for pre-menopausal stage should be 18 mg, and should be increased to 27 mg for pregnant women. This nutrition guide for women is to regularly include iron-rich foods such as meat, shellfish, beans and enriched cereals in their diet.

In order to maintain body fitness, calcium and vitamin D intake is essential for women. Calcium builds and strengthens bones and teeth. This helps in maintaining normal heart beat and regulating blood pressure. Calcium supplements help women relieve PMS. The nutrition guide for average adult women should be calcium and vitamin D 1000 mg and 200 IU respectively.

The vegetarian diet for woman should consist of kale, chard, collard greens, bok choy, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc. packed with vitamins A and C, fiber and phytonutrients. According to 2005 Dietary Guidelines, one should have 2 1/2 cups of vegetables daily.

The nutrition tip for women is that they should take berries as they are loaded with vitamin C, folate, fiber and phytonutrients. Fresh berries are powerful disease-fighting foods. Cranberries, for instance, are shown to decrease incidences of urinary infection in women.

In order to combat body diseases, improve your body fitness; eat breakfast regularly as it gives you a fuel for a new day. When we skip a meal, our metabolism works slowly.

We then tend to overeat at the next meal. The nutrition tip states that include at least three food groups in your breakfast so that you do not need to prowl for a mid-morning snack.

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