Womenz Magazine

5 Healthy Foods Packed with potassium

Foods Packed With Potassium

Supply your body with the right foods containing potassium for your health and well being.

When it comes to health care tips– Why, you may ask, do we need a good dose of potassium? As well as reducing hypertension, potassium also helps with bone growth and muscle cramping so follow these health tips. Including potassium in your diets is a great heath tip for all with fragile bones. My greatest health tips are to check out these five foods:

As health tips go, one cup of white beans; mature seed canned beans contains 1189 mg of potassium, in news health tips that’s 34 percent daily value!

Forget a banana, which we know in news health tips is great for potassium; instead grab an avocado next time the muscles start to ache. One cup of avocados accounts for 33 percent daily value. Hooray for health tips and guacamole!

Health care tips for your skin and well being include the Date. The little fruit is packed with potassium; in news health tips -28 percent daily value in one cup. If you cant stomach dates alone, then use my health tip and consume some energy bars which are made with dried dates too.

One large baked potato contains 1600 mg of potassium and in news health tips that’s nearly half the daily value of the mineral at 46 percent! News health tips may tell you to avoid this carb but for a better option, use my health tip and top your baked potato with Greek yogurt to save some calories.

Lastly, a great health tip is a cup of seedless raisins has 1236 mg (35 percent daily value). Mix your raisins with nuts for a satisfying, well-rounded snack. Health tips for including potassium are now made easier with these five foods. My health care tips will improve your skin and body as well as giving you a better overall diet.

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