Womenz Magazine

Taylor Swift Hackers Say They Have Nude Pics

It will be a sad day for Swifties everywhere if these horrible hackers end up releasing private nude photos of Taylor Swift, 25. Thankfully, Tay is already prepared for the hackers to do their worst. Check out her priceless reaction![contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]Taylor Swift Hackers Say

Taylor Swift: Nude Pics Obtained From Twitter & Instagram Hacking? — Tay Reacts

Taylor took to her freshly protected Twitter account on Jan. 27 to assure fans that there’s no way hackers could have obtained nude photos of her. She tweets:[contentblock id=2 img=adsense.png]Taylor Swift Tweet

Yes! We love that Taylor is staying so strong through all of this, because even the threat of nude photos must be very alarming. We hope these hackers take heed and back off — we know we wouldn’t want to mess with Taylor! After Taylor’s Twitter and Instagram accounts were hacked on the morning of Jan. 27, she took to her Tumblr to soothe her Swifties’ fears. She said: My Twitter got hacked but don’t worry, Twitter is deleting the hacker tweets and locking my account until they can figure out how this happened and get me new passwords. Never a dull moment.

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