Womenz Magazine

Gossip from the Entertainment World

Gossip from the Entertainment World

Who broke up with whom? What were they wearing? And who is taking who to court? Celebrity entertainment news fills you in, so read on.

What are those crazy celebrities up to this week? If you’re craving your weekly dose of celebrity entertainment news then look no further as we round up entertainment news from the movie entertainment industry as well the music entertainment industry.

So young girls and quite frankly older (ahem) ladies will also be pleased to know that in entertainment news, a certain hot boy of the music entertainment industry, is now a free birdie! Joe Jonas fans, he’s single again! The bad news is he’s still keeping his ex girlfriend close by. According to entertainment news mongers, Joe and Demi Lovato have broken up but they will still tour together this summer!

Other celebrity entertainment news sees the premiere of the new SACT sequel this week. Sex and the City movies may not live up to the actual brilliance of the entertainment television show itself, however ladies, like myself, I know you wont be able to resist this entertainment movie this summer. Following on from this celebrity entertainment news, we saw Sarah Jessica Parker and Kristin Davis both in neon-chic at the NYC premiere. SJP, with her high fashion look, wore a bright yellow Valentino, Davis in a Barbie colored hot pink while Kim Cattrall and Cynthia Nixon chose to play safe with gold and black dresses, respectively.

Following on from this celebrity entertainment news, we hear that part of the upcoming SATC sequel involves a trip to Abu Dhabi (but actually shot in Morocco) for our four fashion savvy NYC gals. Entertainment news reports that there is also a male cast member … Mr. Big? No & John Corbett aka Aidan.

More from celebrity entertainment news sees music songstress, Rihanna claiming her ex-personal trainer allegedly stifled her out of more than $26k! My question is, in the music entertainment industry, is that how much you have to pay to look good? Surely a healthy diet, focus and a solid exercise regime is all you need! This is a venomous legal war in entertainment between Rihanna and her former trainer Cindy Percival. Let’s see what happens &

Watch out for the latest celebrity entertainment news from the entertainment industry next week.

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