Womenz Magazine

The newest addition in the ‘Twiligh’ family

 The newest addition in the ‘Twiligh’ family

The child star, Renesmee has been officially cast to play the role of Edward and Bella’s half vampire daughter in Breaking Dawn.

The big news was unleashed on Tuesday night, when Stephenie Meyer tweeted, “Very excited about our new Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. She’s an amazing young actress and I’m excited to work with her. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer!”

However, it is still unclear if Mackenzie will make it into the first of the two Breaking Dawn films. The young actress will have to portray Renesmee‘s rapid development by aging from newborn to 17 over the course of seven years represented by two hours of screen time.

Renesmee has previously appeared in short lived Fox sit-com ‘Till Death’ and in the ABC sci-fi show Flash Forward.

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