Womenz Magazine

Katie Price says she ‘planned her suicide’ after reaching ‘crunch point’

Katie Price has spoken out about how she had “planned her suicide” last year after reaching “crunch point”.

The 42-year-old former glamour model opened up about her mental health battle during an appearance on BBC Northern Ireland’s Nolan Live.

She also urged fans to reach out for help if they ever find themselves in the position which she was in, with taking her life as the only way out.

The reality star was on the show to discuss her 18-year-old son Harvey, whose complex disabilities were highlighted in a well-received BBC documentary.

Katie also spoke about the effect her mum Amy’s terminal illness has had on her, with host Stephen Nolan questioning how she remains so positive with so much going on.

He asked Katie how she stays strong with so many pressures on her and Katie replied candidly about how she almost didn’t make it through during the hardest times at the beginning of last year.

Katie said: “You just have to get on with it. I went to The Priory last year, because I had a lot of things to deal with, and I think speaking to a therapist just helps you prepare for it.

“I say to anyone out there, if you are suffering with mental health, and this pandemic doesn’t help, just talk to someone – if you’re feeling low, talk to someone.”

Nolan asked Katie: “Do you mind opening up about your mental health? What was crunch point for you?”

Katie admitted that it was a close call and explained why: “I wanted to commit suicide.

“I planned it, I did everything… Everything was on top of me, it was a build up.

“I’m only human, I’m strong but there’s only so much you can take and I could have either committed suicide or got help.”

Katie admitted that it was her children that stopped her carrying out her plans and led her to seek help.

She said that the thought of leaving Harvey, 15-year-old Junior, 13-year-old Princess, seven-year-old Jett, and six-year-old Bunny, without a mum was enough for her to realise that she was on the wrong path.

Katie continued: “Every time I went to do it I thought: ‘I can’t, I’ve got kids, sort yourself out’, so I asked for help, got help, and I stuck to it.

“I went to The Priory for five weeks and I’m a brand new person now.”

Katie reached out to her fans and viewers, saying that it is never too late to ask for help.

She said: “Don’t be afraid to speak, too many people out there commit suicide because they’re afraid.”

Katie said that she turned to rehab, after suffering “severe trauma” and begging doctors to not let her kill herself as she struggled with pressures on her life at that time.

Katie explained: “I went to The Priory and booked in and said: ‘I don’t want to leave here, I want to be an inpatient, help me to sort out my head, this is my last chance to do it, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to kill myself, help me’.

“That’s why I ended up in The Priory. It was nothing to do with drink or drugs.”

Katie confessed that at that time she had hit “rock bottom” and was having suicidal thoughts because she “wanted to be in a coffin.”

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