Womenz Magazine

Struck by Lightning

Struck By Lightning Movie Review

Struck by lightning is a film stuffed with comedy drama, it is written by the starring Chris Colfer and directed by Brian Dannelly, the story of the filmstruck by lightning revolves around the High school senior Carson Phillips the character played by Chris Colfer who is randomly struck and killed by lightning in parking lot. His mother Sheryl the character played by the Allison Jenney is notified of his death and there is a memorial service for him.

Struck By Lightning

The now deceased Carson narrates the story of his life. He narrated as a child he withdrew into writing in order to escape from his parent’s destructive marriage and relationship. When his father left the family the Sheryl and he was all alone in their life. Carson wanted to be the editor of The New Yorker and it was the aim of his life. When he was turn seventeen his mother arrested with the charge of drug addiction and the life of Carson become more disdain in the high school. The movie struck by lightning reveals the ambitious and selfish nature of human inside, to gain the materialistic benefits the blackmailing occur by the main character of the Struck By Lightning.

Struck By Lightning Movie

This movie struck by lightning will touch those who feel a bit lost in their life. The movie began with Chris Colfer’s character being killed by lightning in parking, the scene may have been the most random and unlikely event to take place realistically in the movie and you will feel sceptical about how this will all play out during the movie but by the end of movie when re watching this scene is extremely sad and heart touching.

Struck By Lightning Pictures
Struck by lightning is a high school movie, bringing in all the norms of school and stereotypes but never in a cheesy manner to make you bored. All characters play minor and short roles but ultimately this is Chris Colfer’s movie demand. He plays an ambiguus, passionate and driven kid and this only makes his fate more sad and scarcest. Rebel Wilson did a fun job in playing the odd and silly girl who perhaps is the only person who truly likes Chris’ character, Carson in the movie.

Struck By Lightning 2012

Struck by lightning movie focuses on Carson’s relationship with Carson’s mother,who was an alcoholic and depressed woman. She was left by Carson’s father during their marriage. Without saying too much about their relation it is quite emotional towards the end. It is a fabulous movie, sending a strong message on ambition, desires,and future, life and friendship issues. People should watch the movie struck by lightning but keeping in mind that, it is not a cheesy high school typical movie, nor will it leave you in uplifted but emotional state of mind as in the Perks of Being a Wallflower in the end. Rhe famous line what is the most prominent and convey the message of the movie is discussing in literary circles and it is, “It doesn’t matter if you’re stuck in the past or if you’re trying to forget the past; what matters is what you do with the present”- Struck by Lightning.

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