Womenz Magazine

How to Naturally Remove Upper Lip Hair?

Both men and women have facial hair. Some have dark and coarse facial hair while others have light facial hair. These are also called peach fuzz. It gives that “not too appealing” look for the females especially if they do not remove or clean facial hair. However, the solution is in the kitchen wherein using natural ingredients you can naturally remove upper lip hair.

Salons versus Home Remedies

The salons are actually every girl’s best friend. Needless to say, that they have to make a visit to the salon at least once a month to prep up their skin and hair. However, using methods like threading or waxing to remove facial hair can be painful and an unnecessary expense too. But the home remedies will work wonders in removing facial hair and upper lip hair as well without giving pain to the skin or your pocket!!

Remove Your Upper Lip Hair Naturally

Follow the list below to get some amazing home remedies to naturally remove upper lip hair and feel the difference!

Sugar + Lemon Remedy

Ingredients –

1 cup sugar

A few drops of lemon

Method – This combination of sugar-lemon can be prepared even at home. All you need to do is to caramelize the sugar by putting it into a heating pan. Now add a few drops of lemon so that it doesn’t stick onto the sides of the pan. Keep stirring until sugar becomes in thick liquid form. Let it cool for some time.

Apply this mixture to your upper lips and press upon a piece of cloth on the area. Now, peel it off immediately. Use this method once a week.

Egg white + Cornflour + Sugar Remedy

Ingredients –

1 egg white

½ spoon cornflour

1 spoon sugar

Egg whites have skin tightening properties whereas sugar acts as a cleansing agent and when corn flour is added it acts as the sticky substance which you need to pull out your upper lip hair.

Method – Mix these three in a given proportion. Now, apply this mixture onto your upper lip. Let it sit and dry. It will take a little longer time to dry. When it is completely dried, peel off this paste. Do this twice a week for about 2 months to see the difference. Your upper lip growth will gradually reduce if you follow this regularly.

Milk + Turmeric Remedy

Ingredients –

1 tablespoon milk

1 tablespoon of turmeric

Milk and turmeric remedy is another very easy method to remove undesirable hair as well as make your skin shining.

Method – You will require one tablespoon of turmeric and one tablespoon of milk. Mix both the ingredients to make a thick paste. Apply it to your upper lip locale and leave it until it is dry. At that point, utilize cold water to clean it. Do this threefold every week.

Turmeric + Gramflour + Curd Remedy

Ingredients –

½ spoon turmeric

Half spoon of gram flour

½ spoon of curd

This remedy will not only remove unwanted hair but will also nourish your skin due to the presence of lactic acid in the curd.

Method – In a small bowl, mix curd, gram flour, and turmeric together to form a thick paste-like consistency. Apply it to the upper lip area. Allow it to dry. When the paste on your upper lips dried out completely, try to rub it to and fro. This will create friction and will gradually remove upper lip hair naturally. Use cold water to wash off completely.

These simple yet amazing home remedies can naturally remove upper lip hair. However, you need to be patient with these home remedies. You will not get results immediately.

But if you have very light or less hair on your upper lips, you will find amazing results in two to three try.

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