Womenz Magazine

Look Hot in this Winter

Winter demands not only dry fruits, coffee with friends and late night sittings but also require a modified make over towards your winter makeup plans.

Winter is the time of dryness, itchiness, low of humidity and patchy skin. Winter can be the worse time of the year specially when it comes to take care of your skin. your skin never settles down easily dring winter. So, your skin needs extra attention & care.

The chilly and rough winter weather not only change your skin care routine but also its the time to review your makeup shades & makeup products to give a warm welcome to this cold weather. In winter, your skin damaged risks become so high. In the dry and cold winter weather, you should be able to know the winter makeup tips and the ideas on how to makeup yourself in this winter.

Here are some very simple and easy to apply winter makeup tips that will not only maintain your skin care but also rejuvenate and beautify yourself throughout the season.

Winter Makeup Tips:

  • First of all, skin care is very important during the harsh and cold winter weather. A glowing and healthy skin is necessary to look best in any shade of makeup. In this regard, cleansing and exfoliating are the essentials. Moisturizing your skin in this dry weather is also must.
  • Use the right shades of makeup in winter because thi is not the summer weather in which you have lot of shades and fun in your makeup plans. It is the time to opt for neutral and darker shades of makeup like light brown, gray, pink, purple etc. You can use light and neutral makeup shades in day time while bolder and glossy makeup shades at night. If you want to attract others and want to be the center of attraction at a party, work on your eyes. A smoky eye makeup will definitely work well.
  • Use light foundation and natural tone base in winter. The light foundation will not only go well with any skin type but also make the skin brighter.
  • In winter, your lips loses oil glands so they dry out easily. For luscious and pinkish lips in cold and dry winter weather, apply lip balm and extra moisturizing lip creams/lip gloss regularly.
  • Match your makeup shades with your clothing.This is not summer in which you wear light and bright textures and clothing. Winter is composed of dry days and warm clothing. So your winter makeup should be according to the weather and must reflect the heavier clothing and darker colors.
  • Your eyes and eye makeup counts a lot in winter. Use glossy, smokey and darker eye makeup shades to create a polished and beautiful look.
  • Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are the most common problem in winter.  To over come this problem you can use a suitable and nourishing eye cream before going to bed.
  • Your hair also counts a lot in your makeup. The cold and dry weather also damage your hair so you need extra oiling and moisturizing techniques to maintain the smoothness and shine of your hair. Despite of this, winter is the season in which you can easily play with your hairs. Long wavy hair style is in fashion in this winter.
  • Don’t put your sun screen aside. Use sun screen regularly even in winter weather to maintain the complexion of your skin and to tone down the sun burn.

These are some of the few winter makeup tips that can make your skin and face healthy, glowing and beautiful even in the harsh and dry winter weather.

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