Womenz Magazine

4 Benefits of Dry Brushing That You Should Know

Dry brushing is the latest beauty trend which is making everyone go gaga because of its various benefits. It is proved that this technique can have a huge impact on a person’s skin. And with its growing popularity, many women have started including it in their skincare regime. So, to help you get a clear picture, we have listed few benefits of dry brushing.

Before taking shower, take a brush and gently start rubbing your feet.
• Make sure you rub in circular motions moving in an upward direction towards your legs.
• After that, continue brushing other parts of your body.
• Be extra careful while brushing the sensitive parts.
• Once done, wash off your body with warm water.

Benefits of Dry Brushing:

1. Removes ingrown hair

Ingrown hair is a common problem among the women who shave off their hands and legs as there are chances that these hair removal techniques might cause the hair to grow back. It not only looks ugly but it is also difficult to get rid of them.  But thankfully, dry brushing your hair can effectively reduce the ingrown hair problem as it acts as a physical exfoliation which can help in preventing ingrown hair.

2. Reduces cellulite

Cellulite is a skin condition in which your skin starts to appear lumpy. But, you can easily get rid of this by dry brushing your skin. It is believed that dry brushing your skin helps in promoting blood circulation to prevent cellulite. So, try to include dry brushing in your daily routine.

3. Improves skin complexion

Another benefit of including dry brushing in your daily skin care routine is that it helps in improving your complexion. There are many people who have dull looking skin which makes them rely on various chemical-loaded products. Still, they can improve the state of your skin by dry brushing technique as it helps in boosting blood circulation which makes your complexion bright.

4. Helps in exfoliation

Exfoliation is an important part of a skincare regime as it helps in keeping your skin clean and free from infections. And dry brushing is also a technique that helps in removing dead skin cells and dirt from your skin and makes your skin look fresh and clean.

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