Womenz Magazine

Hair Mask Recipes for Each Hair Type

Natural recipes can be used at home by anyone who wants to benefit their hair and protect them. Beautiful shiny hair is the dream of many women and men. Many people have benefited from effective hair mask recipes. Shampoos, conditioners, shower gels have no comparison to the natural herbs and natural conditioners.

This winter has severe side effects on hair like drying out and dandruff. Getting silky smooth hair through hair mask recipes is just a matter of a trip to your kitchen. Once you experience the magic of hair mask recipes, you will surely be convinced as hair mask recipes is the hair food.

The important thing to remember is that these hair mask recipes are not to be done once, they have to be repeated patiently unless desired output is attained.

  • Fine hair

Just because your hairs naturally aren’t thick doesn’t mean you cannot benefit from hair mask recipes. “Banana, egg, and oils work wonders on fine hair,” this acts wonders to the hair as banana is one of nature’s best remedies for thinning hair, eggs are mighty protein that will give your hair the strength, shine of your dreams

  • Itchy scalp

Dandruff and flaky scalps can be cured with nurturing oils like coconut, jojoba, and olive. Plus a hair mask recipe mixed with mayonnaise and avocados are also natural deep-conditioners, which will bestow your scalp with smoother skin. Another hair mask recipe can be made with olive and honey, where olive oil contains vitamin E, which aid to treat dandruff, and honey contains potassium, calcium and B vitamins, which will sponsor hair health.

  • Brittle hair

If your split ends never seem to vanish, then here is a magical protein   filled hair mask recipe specially to kill the split ends and dryness. This hair mask recipe will include eggs and mayonnaise. This will also assist to reduce the breakages and will reduce split ends.

  • Dry, dull hair

Winter weather can do a number of negative effects on your hair. If you prepare a hair mask recipe that will not only revive but also rehydrate your hair then nothing can be more overwhelming for us. So mix avocado will henna and olive oil. But note that henna should be natural.

  • Natural conditioner

if you are fussy and can’t afford time for these hair mask recipes , then you can always drop coconut oil or aloe Vera to the conditioner you already use. This small task will be not only easy but also a great nourisher for your hair.

  • Hair growth masks

Hair growth is also a common problem as many people have the same hair length for number and number of months or rather years.

Here are a few very successful hair mask recipes:

1. Oatmeal-For the preparation of oatmeal hair mask recipe, mix oatmeal, fresh milk and almond oil and make a thick paste. Before applying the mask, carefully see that your hair is not wet. Apply the paste and leave it on your hair for 20 minutes.

2. Avocado-take one ripe avocado and mash it appropriately and add  honey and olive oil to avocado mash to make it a creamy paste.

3. Olive oil-Olive oil is very beneficial for hair growth and a deep conditioning of hair. Thus take eggs and mix it well with olive oil. You can also use honey to get better. Put this mixture on your hair and allow it to set for 15 minutes then rinse your hair well with shampoo and water.

Natural treatments are not one off treatments as they don’t work like allopathy so be calm and composed as sometimes it might take a few months to get desired results but the these natural hair mask recipes will for sure have positivity for your hair with no side effects.

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