Womenz Magazine

Beauty Tips for Eye Care

Prevent your eyes from looking puffy, swollen and not in the right state. Eyes are a very precious part of our body and they need special care. We should try to look after the beauty of our eyes as much as we can as eyes are the true reflection and expression of our face and if proper care is not taken, eyes can become dull and leave their right condition.

We often pay a lot of attention towards the parts of our face like our skin, lips etc. what really happens is that we get so involved in rest of the facial parts that sometimes, we forget that we are neglecting a very important part of our face which needs to be taken care of in a regular manner. This integral part of our face is the eyes and if proper eye care is not taken, eyes become dull and they lose their freshness. This loss of freshness and increase in the sulkiness of the eyes is also responsible for loss or dropping of eyesight in many cases. Therefore, eye care should be made a regular part of our daily routines.

Many people face this problem of dark circles around the eyes. Always remember that eyes are a precious part of our body and we should not ruin it in any possible way. For proper eye care and in order to get rid of the dark circles around your eyes, the first thing you need to do is to give proper rest to your eyes. This rest can only be given to the eyes if you sleep at the right time and for the right amount of time too. Age old traditions of applying home remedies to your eyes can only be helpful for a very short period of time and are temporary. So give your eyes the eye care they need by giving them the right amount of sleep.

As discussed earlier, old remedies related to the eye care like applying tomato and cucumber to the eyes are helpful in cases when you want to relax your eyes. This relaxation is very important for eye care and if your eyes have become puffy, red or swollen then what you need to do is to apply refrigerated cucumber or tomato slices to your eyes for about ten 10 to 12 minutes. This is highly soothing and is an age old remedy for eye care when it comes to puffy eyes. What really happens is that the cooling and soothing effect of the cucumber or potato relaxes your eye muscles, hence, the puffiness or swelling decreases.

You can even execute simple eye care tips at your home like giving a nice and good massage to your eyes. You can also do some good eye exercises. Eye exercises can be done in such a way that you close your eyes and start rotating your eye ball in all the directions. You can do this for about two minutes. Eye massage tips are readily available and you can easily do them and take care of your eyes. Eating healthy food is also an important thing when it comes to eye care. Carrot and black pepper are really good for your eye sight so increase the amount of both these things in your regular meals too. Never rub your eyes if you feel any itching and it is advisable for better eye care if you rinse your eyes at least three times with cold and clean water. Do not ever sleep with your eye makeup on as that is very unhealthy and totally against eye care.

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