Womenz Magazine

Business Travel Tips for Women

Female executives are now active proponents for a business trip, whether it is local travel or an office out of state or an overseas trip to meet with prospective clients. As working women who tend to lead busy lives as it is, planning, packing and travelling for official purposes can be stressful and time-consuming. Business travel takes you away from home and loved ones and can cause all sorts of unexpected issues. Make your travel easier with these time-tested tips.

1. Sleep smart

Dark circles under your eyes aren’t good for women travelling. Many road warriors know that you can only use a certain amount of concealer to cover bags under your eyes to mask jetlag or poor sleep nights in strange hotel rooms. So carry eye masks and earplugs. Wax earplugs are better than the little foam ones. They are often sold as a swimming accessory and work well to mute noise, snoring and annoyingly chatty airline passengers. Invest in a blow-up pillow to sleep soundly on planes. They also prevent your hair from being flattened as you sleep.

2. Carry rations

The airlines are starving us! If your flight is delayed or has mechanical problems, you may spend hours on the runway or circling in the air while your stomach is screaming. Airlines offer little more than the tiny, salty rations of peanuts or pretzels for short flights. Carry a nutritious and filling power bar and an apple in your bag to survive your business travel well.

3. Wake upright

Hotel alarm clocks and wake-up calls can be unreliable. Pack an inexpensive sports watch with an alarm and a stopwatch. The stopwatch is useful for your workout on the exercise bike in the hotel fitness centre or to time your bubble bath for the women travelling. If you carry a pager, find out if it has an alarm function and learns how to use it during your business travel.

4. Pack lightly

If you need to be dressed in business attire for a meeting the same day you travel, wear it on the plane. Always assume your luggage may be lost and be prepared. Don’t put yourself in the awkward and expensive position of being dependent upon taxis and tip-hungry porters. Pack the least amount of clothes and shoes you think you can survive on during your business travel. You can wear the same mix-and-match outfits day after day. Leave room in your bag for the shopping treasures you can’t resist along the way.

5. Take dark clothes

They don’t show stains, wrinkles or dirt, and work for most situations. They are considered best for the business travel to any country or city.

6. Cut down on shoes

How many shoes does a business traveller pack? Too many, usually! If the shoe fits, wear it … don’t carry it. Wear the shoes you’ll need for business and pack one pair of trainers for walking, jogging or informal occasions.

7. Shop without guilt

Spend some money on yourself and buy presents and cards for your loved ones to help break the monotonous of your business trip.

8. Communicate with home

It is unproductive to leave messages on answering machines. If you are travelling to a different time zone, you may wake a grumpy loved one in the middle of the night. The easiest and cheapest way to communicate home from most countries is via fax. Sending fax costs less than a long-distance call and you don’t have to deal with time differences. Leave your hotel fax number with friends and family. If you prefer email, set up free email accounts for your kids and send them notes and postcards.

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