Womenz Magazine

Athletic body care is easy if rules are adhered to.

Athletic body care is easy if rules are adhered to.

Green tea is a proven health tonic so add this ancient beverage to your diet. While it helps with athletic body care it does much more as well.

For athletic body care there is nothing more effective than green tea. Here is how:

Athletic body care rule#1

Drinking green tea helps you feel full, so it can curb your appetite. It may also help you burn more calories and help with athletic body care.

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Green tea is rich in the antioxidants vitamin E and C. Antioxidants help with athletic body care.

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Green tea contains a substance called theophylline. It’s a muscle relaxant that is very effective in athletic body care.

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Green tea may prevent the formation of blood clots which is good for athletic body care.

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Green tea helps in regression of any unnecessary medical conditions thus being aide in maintenance of athletic body care.

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Studies have shown that this drink may help lower cholesterol with no side effects. By lowering cholesterol, the body receives help in fighting heart disease and stroke as well.

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Green tea has the ability to strengthen the immune system’s ability to fight disease. This quality of green tea helps athletic body care by prevention.

Green tea is a miracle worker for athletic body care no doubt but green tea has other qualities too. Green tea treats sunburn, strained eyes, blemishes, rashes and minor cuts because of its antiseptic properties. Green tea is great for drinking but also try gargling with green tea when you feel a cold or the flu coming on. Soak your feet in it for athlete’s foot or just as a refreshing foot bath.

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