Womenz Magazine

How to Know When It’s Real Love

Love is an extraordinary gift of God for everyone, real love more than that of physical relationship, time pass and friendship. The three words “I Love You” means a lot more than of word, it’s about feeling, faith, honest, understanding and most of all believe on each other. Love can be seen in everything, every living thing had love for others, in fact God has created this universe with great love so that his creation can live in it. Real love is not just about hang around. There a lot of signs of real love that will help you figure out if you’re in real love or craze.
Here are few tips or suggestions for you guys through which you can know “how to know when it’s real love.”

1. 1st thing is to know about how you feel about other, how much you like to be with him/her, did you enjoy time spending with other, are you interest in him/her.

2. Do you really have spent a quality love time together or just talk. Is he/she constantly changing the subject of conversation? Does he/she ever touch you, hold you.

3. Is he/she using cell phone when you are together, when you are together talking about love and other’s phone rings, he/she try to excuse and attend call after making a move away from you.

4. Love does not consist of staring at each other, but love is looking together in the same direction.

5. Be honest with each other when talking to your partner. If you are hiding something from other than you can’t be in real love. If you are in real love than are you ready to accept him/her with other weakness. Or you are just looking toward his/her positive side.

6. Check your future goals are they matching with each other or not. Love is not just beginning with you for short period of time. Real love is living for life time together in a relationship.

7. Do both of you guys have same moral, spiritual, religious and ethical beliefs? In love religion matters a lot. Because in love common thinking point of view matters a lot.

8. In real love one should be relaxed and comfortable with other, don’t need to over react or feel nervous about her/his self. Love is all about to accept other one with all weakness and plus point. Don’t need to change other personality in love.

9. Always take a time to decide that are you really in love. Or you are just trying to pass your time with this hobby. Because is this just a play for you not love then you are play with other feelings.

10. Most people spend their whole lives trying to real love, but all they achieve is an ever-deepening frustration, punctuated by brief moments of superficial satisfaction. All this is because they always trust wrong people.

11. Real love is not a easy thing to find, you can’t just purchase real love in market. It is a big decision to live the rest of a lifetime.

12. When you meet a person you believe you are in real love with, you should date them for a period of time, have many conversations on phone or face to face about various subjects and topics, and find out their likes and dislikes.

By following these suggestion you can defiantly find out, that you are in real love or not.

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