Womenz Magazine

Clean your Kitchen Wisely

Clean your Kitchen Wisely

Kitchen said to be the heart of your home. It is the place where all family sit together, having chit chat & get together over lunch or dinner. So, this focal area of your home needs extra attention towards its cleanliness.

Cleaning of your kitchen can be fun. Kitchen is that place/corner of your house which needs extra attention and proper cleaning plan from the house lady. A neat and clean, sterile and full of aroma kitchen is the desire of every woman. Maintaining and maintenance of kitchen comes after cleaning. If your kitchen is not hygienic, neat and clean then you can handle the overall maintenance of your kitchen wisely.

Majority of the women face problems towards the cleaning of their kitchen. Cleaning of your kitchen is very important as kitchen seems to be the heart of any home. All family members sit together in the kitchen, having family and friendly chit chat over the breakfast, lunch and dinner. At individual level, the children come in the kitchen while mom is busy in cooking. They share their problems, issues and other things with their mom in a very warm, friendly and convenient way. If your kitchen is dirty, untidy and unhygienic then the family members can’t enjoy the family conversation and also can’t enjoy the real taste of mom’s cooking.

The taste of cooking also depends upon the cleanliness of kitchen. A neat and clean kitchen depicts the personality and house-hold management skills of the woman. So, it is very important for a woman to clean her kitchen in a smooth but wise way.

With the help of our simple kitchen cleaning tips, you can clean your kitchen in a short pace of time and win the heart of your family members.

Tips on Cleanliness of your Kitchen:

  • Clean your kitchen and kitchen related accessories once in a week. Don’t put your kitchen cleaning plan on months. If you do your kitchen cleaning on monthly basis then it will take lot of time and effort and you might exhaust in between the process. So, the first step towards cleaning is to make your kitchen cleaning plan on weekly basis.
  • Arrange your kitchen utensils and kitchen accessories separately. Don’t place silver steel utensils and plastic accessories at one place. Make separate counters and cabinets for all kitchen related things.
    You can place heavier kitchen utensils in the bottom shelves while lighter utensils can be placed in the upper and front shelves.
  • After managing the kitchen accessories, there comes their cleanliness. Clean your kitchen shelves and cabinets weekly. You can use caustic soda and lime water for this purpose.
  • For the cleanliness of spice containers, use lemon juice and caustic soda. Mix caustic soda in lemon juice and dip all your spice containers in this liquid for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe them with a neat and dry piece of cotton.
  • Your oven/micro wave also needs your attention. Remove stains and dirt from your oven with a good quality stain remover which has lemon ingredients in it. Use plain water soaked pads for the inner cleaning of the oven.
  • Refrigerator cleaning is also must during whole kitchen cleaning practice. Arrange vegetables, fruits, liquids and other eatable items in a well mannered way. You can also use plastic sheets or spare news paper upon the refrigerator’s shelves and on vegetable basket to have a neat and tidy look.
  • To clean the outer sheets of your kitchen cabinets, kitchen counter, kitchen table and kitchen windows. Use lemon juice and white vinegar. It will not only clean these things but also add a sparkling look to them.
  • For the cleanliness of kitchen floor, use detergent and products which have lemon ingredients. Lemon ingredients not only clean your kitchen floor but also will give a soothing and serene aroma to your kitchen.

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