Womenz Magazine

All of these people were given the incorrect COVID-19 vaccine dose

Thousands and thousands of people were administered the incorrect COVID-19 vaccine dose, says two unnamed medical workers.

Back on March 4th, KTVU reported that thousands of people receiving COVID-19 vaccines were given the wrong dosage.

The report from KTVU states that a mass-vaccination site in Oakland, California, gave an estimated 4,300 people less of the Pfizer vaccine than they should have, according to two unnamed medical workers.

The media outlet reports that the people that were vaccinated received 0.2 milliliters of Pfizer’s vaccine instead of the correct dose of 3.0 milliliters.

How did this happen? According to the report, the incorrect dosage administration can be traced back to the syringes.

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency run this vaccination site and weren’t aware of the incorrect dosage administration until KTVU reported the news on March 2.

The issue was then discussed with Cal OES, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the State Department of Public Health, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and Pfizer on the same day the news was published, according to a spokesperson from Cal OES. The results of the discussion were that the amount that wasn’t administrated was “negligible.”

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