Womenz Magazine

‘Healthy’ mum, 39, died 4 days after taking second coronavirus vaccine dose

A ‘”healthy” single mum has died four days after getting her second Covid vaccine jab.

Kassidi Kurill, 39, who received the Moderna vaccination in Utah, US, died suddenly on February 5 having complained “her heart was racing and she felt like she needed to get to the emergency room.”

Her tragic death comes after four people died and a spate of 153 from the same state reported bad reactions after receiving at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, The Sun reports.

Despite the worrying cases, America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they have “not detected patterns in the cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines”.

As a surgical technician for different plastic surgeons in Utah, the mother-of-one signed up for the vaccine “without hesitation”, according to her family who said she was fine after the first dose.

But Kassidi’s dad Alfred Hawley, 69, told News4SA she “got sick right away” after the second jab on February 1.

Alfred, a retired fighter pilot said Kassidi woke him up in the family home: “She came in early and said her heart was racing and she felt like she needed to get to the emergency room.”

He explained she felt “soreness at the shot location” and “then started getting sick, then started complaining that she was drinking lots of fluids but couldn’t pee”.

Kassidi appeared to be on the mend the following day during which she joined her older sister Kristin shopping but was unwell again in the evening.

After two days of being bed-bound, Alfred took Kassidi to hospital where a blood test revealed “she was very very sick, and her liver was not functioning,” he said.

“It was a total shock and I was even afraid to tell my wife.”

Doctors had her flown to get an emergency liver transplant which both her parents offered parts to provide but her liver, kidney, and heart had shut down, despite her having no pre-existing medical conditions.

Her heartbroken dad continued: “She was healthy – happy and active. The greatest mom you ever saw in your life and then she was so sick that in less than 12 hours intubated and on life support,” her distraught father continued.

The Utah State Medical Examiner is yet to release the results of a full autopsy which Alfred believes will show something in the vaccine killed her.

It did not stop him from getting his second dose however despite his granddaughter begging him not to.

GoFundMe page has been set up to help Kassidi’s parents raise her “little sidekick” daughter, Millie.

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