Womenz Magazine

How to Apply Make Up

apply make up

apply make upApplying makeup is an art. Make up guarantee’s beauty and gorgeousness but only when you apply it according to rules. Let’s see! What are the steps of make up application and what are the make up application tips you must follow.

While doing Make up you should be very careful that how you wear it? Follow the following the make up tips to look even hotter and best with your regular make up kit.

Select the right light:

For applying makeup you need to find out a place where the light should be “in control”. Let us tell you the logic behind it. See If you apply make up in room where the source of light is so dim then you will apply more make up then normal since no matter how darker shades you apply it will look nil in dim light and you know the result that when you go out wearing make up completed in dim light it will look very horrible for sure. In the same way applying make up in very bright light can also cause difference in perfect make ups. The first and basic make up tip is to apply it in the medium light where you can examine the exact tone of your makeup.


You can’t deny the importance of moisturizing in wearing the make up. Moisturize you skin very well and allow it to set before applying the base foundation. The pan cake/liquid foundation both works really well with moisturized skin. we bet you can get flawless, well toned skin after applying that makeup application tip which is first moisturize then apply base one.

Eyes your ultimate Charisma:

While applying make up to your eyes, apply some cream to the area around your eyes since the area near your eyes is really sensitive. Applying some moisturizer on it can save it from eye make up correction disasters. After doing so, pick any theme of color like if you are applying purple eye make up then you must have all the three shades of purple namely light purple, dark purple and medium purple. Now apply it in 1 2 3 step. The lightest shade works as base. Apply it on all over eyes leaving no area blank. Now take the second shade the medium one and apply it well on whole eye lid. Here comes the 3rd one you can apply the dark shade on the edges of your eyes and the lower eye lashes, and here you go, with purple deep seducing eyes. You can experiment with this make up application tip in your way and with your favorite colors. We hope it will work for you too.

Eye brows-The eye brow raiser:

We all own different types of eye brows. Some woman has light, some have bushy and some have thick ones. See what type of style suits you considering the eye brow nature. If you have really thick and bushy eye brows then have your time and get it in shape by plucking or any other mean like threading etc. In the same way if you have thin eyebrows which is just scattered then you can give it shape by applying a little gel and having it in the shape you want with out doing any type of plucking. On make up part apply medium shade brown color to fill up the eye brow gaps and here you go with ideal eyebrows. We hope you would have enchanting eye raiser.

Lips-The petals of rose:

Your lips shape decides what kind of lip stick and what shades you should apply. Normal lips having the upper lips and lower lips of same size is ideal. You just need to draw the lines on border and apply any lip stick matching your outfit or mood. In case of thin or very thick lips you can use the same pencil for giving the desired shape to you lips. Remember that in applying make up to lips you have to define the borders first. Apply same lip glows too for giving you lips a shiny and fresher looks.

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