Womenz Magazine

Must Buys for your Eyes

Make sure your eyes stay beautiful all day long with some of these essentials.

When applying eye makeup, you want to make sure that problem areas are covered well and that you’re using the right products for the skin around the eyes. Your eyes can start to show the first signs of aging, with bags, dark circles and some, dare I say it  wrinkles! So don’t ignore these signs that your eyes are screaming out for some help.

Use my eye make up tips and products for your tired eyes. Let the eye makeover begin!

Creams for your eyes are the best way to begin your eyes makeover. Everyone has different issues to target regarding the skin around your eyes, so here are my suggestions for some good creams for your eyes:

Dermalogica Total Eye Care will tighten the skin around your eyes and has light reflecting powers which can combat the dark circles, giving you a great eye makeover. It’s a little pricey but worth it.

Ginzing by Origins will wake up those tired eyes as soon as you apply it. The illuminating effect will brighten grey areas bringing out the eyes natural beauty.

Eye makeup primers will help to set your eyeshadow in place for hours! There will be no slipping and sliding with these eye makeup primers.

Benefit, Stay Don’t Stray does more than just prime your eyes. You can use this wonderful eye makeup primer around your eyes, above and below making them appear brighter and giving your eyes natural beauty with one application. It also does what a primer should and it keeps your eye makeup in place.

I also love Urban Decay’s cosmetics and their Eyeshadow Primer Potion does not fail to please. For such a reasonable price, this eye make up primer keeps your eye makeup in place, without any creasing occurring. Now that’s a must buy!

Now no eye make up tips would be complete without discussing concealers. Having tired and tested quite a few, my suggestion for concealing any issues around your eyes is the one and only Touche Eclat by YSL. It comes in three shades so you just can’t go wrong.

Another great eye make up concealer is Bobbi Brown’s Tinted Eye Brightener which gives great coverage and comes in a very, very close second to YSL.

Must buys are just that, so hit those shops and snap up these products to keep your eyes looking alive all day and if need be, all night long!

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