Womenz Magazine

Cute Office Desk Plants and Planters From Etsy


Being surrounded by greenery is a good way to relieve work stress, but not all of us work within a stone’s throw of a park. Bring nature to you instead by setting a mini office plant on your desk. Desk Plants
Don’t worry about the plants clashing with your cube decor — gone are the bulky ceramic office planters of days past. Now there are plenty of tiny options that will add style to your desk.

Glass Pyramid Terrarium

Glass Pyramid Terrarium

Gaze upon this noble pyramid terrarium ($65), featuring hand-cut glass, whenever you need some peace or inspiration.

Geometric Wooden Planter

Geometric Wooden Planter
The greenery is a soothing glimpse of nature, while the geometric shapes of these planters ($20 each) bring to life any flat office space.

Light Bulb Plant Terraium

Light Bulb

To stimulate more “ah-ha!” moments at work, order these industrious terrariums ($19 per glass bulb), each filled with fresh, vibrant green moss.

Succulent Woodsy Bird Nests

Succulent Woodsy


This sweet and delicate succulent bird nest ($14) adds a touch of whimsy to a serious business environment.

“I Love You” Moss Terrarium

Moss Terrarium

A whole dramatic love story frozen in time, this mossy terrarium ($78) provides a daily message of affection within a wild landscape.

Pink Moon Cactus

Pink Moon Cactus
Brighten up your desk with this pink cactus ($9) that’s apparently easy to maintain.

Wood Frame Plant Holder

Wood Frame

This cedar wood frame plant holder ($39 each) with string holds cute little plants suspended in air, bringing a bit of dimension to your cubicle wall.

Cork Planters

Cork Planters

These hollowed-out cork planters are a great example of upcycling at its best. DIY them to make planters or even magnets.

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