Los Angeles: Singer Britney Spears and fiance David Lucadao have reportedly found their wedding destination The couple recently enjoyed a vacation to Hawaii and sources say it was actually a recon mission for her planned June wedding.“Britney took David and her two sons on a test run to Oahu to get everyone prepared for the wedding They took a security team and scoped out the Aulani Disney Resort to see if it was private and posh enough for the ceremony,” said a source. “She’s planning something intimate and kid-friendly for late June,” added the source Recently it was said that Lucado seems to dote on the star in public and disrespects the singer behind her back Another source said: “David makes fun of Britney Spears all the time. He says she’s extremely boring and always crack jokes at her expense. Britney is head-over heels for David, but he’s just using her for the high life.”